How to Keep Your Orangery Warm This Winter

Energy Efficiency Tips

It’s that time of year again – the cold weather is settling in, and you’re probably wondering how you will keep your orangery warm all winter. Don’t worry; Surrey Orangery has got you covered as we are the experts in orangeries in Surrey. In this article we discuss some energy efficiency tips that will help keep your orangery warm and toasty all winter long.

Invest in energy-efficient windows and doors.

One of the best ways to make your orangery more energy efficient is to invest in energy-efficient windows and doors. Up to 40% of your Orangery heat can be lost through your window and doors. Double or triple-glazed windows are a great option because they help to keep heat in and cold out. You should also look for windows and doors that have Low-e coating as they reflect heat into the room.

Surrey Orangery only install A-rated windows and doors to their bespoke orangeries. They meet Part L of the Building Regulations Domestic Extensions 2022

U-VALUE: 0.18 W/M2.K

    Install insulation in the walls and roof of your orangery

    Another great way to make your orangery more energy efficient is to install insulation in the walls and roof. This will help to keep heat in and cold out.

    There are various insulation materials you can choose from, so be sure to research to find the best option for your needs.
    Surrey Orangery currently install PIR board to meet Part L of the Building Regulations Domestic Extensions 2022

    U-VALUE: 0.14 W/M2.K

    Use heavy curtains to keep the warm air inside.

    Curtains help to keep the warm air inside and the cold air out. They also add a bit of extra insulation to the room.

    When choosing curtains, be sure to select ones that are made from thick, heavyweight materials such as velvet or wool.

    Make sure your orangery is adequately sealed against drafts.

    Drafts can cause a lot of heat to escape from your orangery. To help prevent this, ensure your orangery is adequately sealed against drafts. This includes sealing any gaps around doors and windows and any other openings in the walls or roof.

    Use energy-saving LED lights.

    When it comes to lighting, be sure to choose energy-saving options. LED lights are also great because they use less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs. These incandescent bulbs waste around 90% of the energy they use, meaning they only convert 10% power into light whereas led lights converts almost 70% of power into light.

    Surrey Orangery only design their lighting schematics using energy efficient LED lights.

    Install a heating system, such as underfloor heating or radiators

    Underfloor heating is an excellent option because it provides an even heat throughout the room. Radiators are also a good choice and can be used to target specific areas of the room that tend to be colder. Always ensure your heating system is fitted with a thermostat.


    What about portable heaters?

    They are a good option if you only need to heat a small area of the orangery or if you want to be able to move the heater around as necessary. The most efficient heaters are a convection, halogen or an oil-field radiator. Try and find ones with thermostatic controls as this will ensure a constant temperature and stops the heater from running all day. The traditional fan heaters are the least efficient but work quickly to heat the room. Just be sure to buy an energy-efficient model and follow all safety precautions when using it.

    An Orangery is a truly versatile addition to any home, and is regarded as so much more than just an extension.

    Surrey Orangeries can offer a range of Traditional, Contemporary and Bespoke Orangeries to provide the perfect build for you. Get in touch to discuss your requirements and what we can do for you.

    If you would like to learn more about how you can add a bespoke Orangery to your home in Surrey, please contact us, and we will be more than happy to provide guidance and discuss your options.

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