Extend Your Kitchen With An Orangery

Extending a kitchen with an orangery can be a great way to create a bright, spacious, and welcoming living area that seamlessly connects your indoor and outdoor spaces. Here are some general steps you can follow to extend your kitchen with an orangery:

1. Plan and Design

Start by planning the design of your orangery extension. Consider the layout, size, and style of your kitchen and how the orangery will fit in with your existing space. Also consider the amount of natural light, ventilation, and insulation required for the space.

2. Obtain Necessary Permissions

Check with your local council if you need to obtain any necessary permissions or permits to build your Orangery Extension. These may include planning permission, building regulations approval, or conservation area consent. At Surrey Orangery we help you through this processs and submit these on your behalf as we understand this can be a confusing area for many clients.

    3. Choosing the right Orangery Company

    At Surrey Orangery we specialise in orangery extensions, and we can supply a host of references and able to view our portfolio of completed projects.

    4.  Concept Drawings

    With modern drawing techniques, you can now visually see a near perfect idea of what your new Orangery will look like. Check out our article HERE about this. 

    5. Choose Materials

    Selecting the materials that complement your existing kitchen design and provide the necessary insulation and ventilation is essential. Materials such as uPVC, aluminium, or timber frames with double-glazed windows are commonly used for orangery extensions. Of course, the type of materials may change the cost of your Orangery.

    6. Build Foundation and Frame

    At Surrey Orangery, all construction begins by building the important foundation and frame of the orangery, ensuring that it is secure and weather-resistant.

    7. Install Glazing and Roofing

    Once the frame is in place, the glazing and roofing will be installed. Double-glazed glass panels with high-quality insulation properties are commonly used for the roof and walls of the orangery.

    8. Fit Doors and Windows

    Install doors and windows that provide easy access to your garden and let in plenty of natural light. Bi-fold or sliding doors are great options for opening up the space and creating a seamless connection between indoors and outdoors.

    9. Decorate and Furnish

    Once the building work is complete, you can decorate and furnish the space according to your taste. Consider adding some greenery or potted plants to create a natural, tranquil atmosphere.

    Overall, extending your kitchen with an orangery can be a complex project that requires careful planning and execution. Surrey Orangery are an experienced contractor and will help you obtain the necessary permissions and approvals that will ensure that your orangery extension is built to the highest standard and meets your requirements.

    If you would like to learn more about how you can add a bespoke Orangery to your home in Surrey, please contact us, and we will be more than happy to provide guidance and discuss your options.

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